Are your fish getting enough light? Check out this aquarium lighting guide to make sure you have the right aquarium lighting to keep your fish healthy and happy.
With the proper fish care, you can keep your fish happy and stress-free.
The gold severum is a beautiful and peaceful cichlid.
Find out about proper goldfish care so your pet can thrive. Get the best tips for feeding goldfish and accommodating their needs.
Choose your Plecos wisely. . . and don't expect them to clean all the algae in your tank
Swordtails and platies are hardy and beautiful aquarium residents.
Their peaceful disposition, coupled with their ability to wiggle into every nook and cranny in search of food, make them an excellent choice.
Camallanus worms are among the most commonly encountered internal parasites for aquarium fish.
When it comes to scales, they belong on the fish.
Certain tropical fishes are known for jumping out of the fish tank.
Find out what sea slugs are beneficial to your reef tank and which ones will eat your corals.
Ten steps to breeding tetras.
Lionfish are beautiful, but stay away from their sting.
Learn about the signs of distress in your pet fish in order to treat it and prevent it in the future.
BeChewy tackles how to choose and care for freshwater angelfish.
Farmers keep goldfish in their cattle troughs to keep the algae down and keep the tanks clean.
BeChewy walks you through how to distinguish the sex of your Goldfish.
BeChewy looks at some of the rarer freshwater aquarium fish like the golden gar and the polkadot stingray.