When a dog breathes in, his heart rate increases; it slows when he breathes out.
A new rescue dog who is hesitant to romp needs time to adjust.
BeChewy coaches you through what to look for and what to do if your dog has eaten a sock.
BeChewy looks at hair loss in dogs - a trip to the vet as soon as possible is the best course of action.
BeChewy looks at the best place to put your dog's crate in your home in order to keep your pup feeling their best.
Get insight on what a dog’s constant scratching and rubbing after being groomed may indicate.
BeChewy covers the announcement that Hartz, manufacturer of pet care products, is donating $1 million-worth of pet supplies to animal shelters.
BeChewy gives you step-by-step instructions for teaching the "bow" and "watch me" dog tricks.
When artery is blocked only briefly, dog will show stroke symptoms.
Clipping the Saint Bernard's coat down might make him cooler in the heat, but shaving could damage his coat.
BeChewy gives you tips for cleaning those annoying stains on your dog's beard.
BeChewy looks at Hemangiosarcoma in dogs and when euthanasia might be the most humane option for the dog.
Dachshunds are prone to certain health issues and problems. Learn how to prevent them and keep them under control.
Normal Dog Urine Volume
A vet visit is in order for a dog who returned from a grooming visit with constant tremors.
Contrary to rumors circulating, the fabric refresher is not toxic to dogs.
BeChewy gives you the details on how to deal with irritation on your dog's skin after they're groomed.
BeChewy looks at the factors ands symptoms that likely make the lump on your dog's leg a Lipoma - a harmless fatty tumor.