Let your cat safely enjoy the outdoors by building a custom catio where your cat can explore and relax.
If your cat is stressed, there are things you can do to help. Try these herbs and flower essences to calm your cat.
Tired and aching humans have been using massage therapy to de-stress and unwind since ancient times. But now our four-legged friends are hopping up on the massage table for treatment. Learn about the benefits of pet massage.
Can cats drink milk? They can, but it’s not usually recommended. We’ll explain.
BeChewy gives you three easy and inexpensive DIY pet projects that reuse and recycle various home products.
BeChewy runs down a list of the top 25 things in life that your cat loves.
Now that raw feeding has come into the mainstream, more dog owners are considering the practice as a nutritional choice for their pets.
When your kitty is something of a cat burglar: what to do about your feline's stealing problem.
What all cat parents need to know about pool safety and their pets
Eating a candy wrapper can wreak havoc on your pet's digestive system.
BeChewy looks at the different personalities of different colors of cats, from calico cats to tabby cats to black cats.
Stop Your Kitten From Jumping And Climbing On Furniture
BeChewy looks at reasons your cat might not be able to gain weight - including cat hyperthyroidism - despite eating heartily.
Learning the signs of pain in your cat is extremely important.
Learn more about how many kittens are in a litter, the factors that influence it and just how many kittens you could expect from your cat!
California Woman Gives Up 5-Bedroom House To Care For Thousands Of Cats
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, explains the triggers for cat spraying.
Learn more about what might be causing your cat to shake, potential treatment options as well as prevention.