Before you invest in carpeting, make sure it can stand up to pet wear-and-tear.
Here’s what pet parents should know about the life cycle of fleas.
These tiny bugs can make your cat seriously miserable.
Spooky season is back! Include your pet with our guide to an epic Halloween for pets, including Halloween costumes, tasty treats and beyond.
Unsure how old your cat is? Here’s a cat age chart that’ll help you calculate cat years to human years.
How can you tell how old a kitten is? Our kitten age chart gives important weekly and monthly milestones.
All your cat constipation questions answered—from symptoms to prevention to treatment.
Make brushing a breeze with these pro tips.
Keeping your kitty healthy starts with their food bowl.
Don't just assume your cat is a picky eater.
Read our cat pregnancy guide to learn how to tell if a cat is pregnant, what the cat labor signs are, and more.
Don’t let anxiety keep your cat from living their best life—these cat calming aids can help reduce stress for your furry best bud.
Learn how to keep your kitty's ears, toenails, and coat healthy.
Here’s how to maximize your next kitty snuggle sesh.
Learn more about spaying a cat, when to do it, and how much it costs.
Everything you wanted to know about neutering your cat and more.
Signs of heartworms in cats range from no symptoms at all to sudden collapse or death.
The sooner that bug’s off your cat, the better.