Have a question about pet parrotlets? Check out this parrotlet FAQ for answers.
New Pet
In honor of Endangered Species Day on May 17, 2013, BirdChannel is helping promote awareness of endangered parrot species all month long.
Also known as the Australian Cattle Dog, the Blue Heeler was developed from Collie-Dingo crosses.
As pet birds, finches such as zebra finches, society finches and Gouldian finches, offer more than pretty feathers.
Find out how to keep your parrot healty when she lays clutches of bird eggs.
The developmental stages among birds are as diverse as the size, color and personality of each bird species.
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, provides instructions for transitioning a kitten from a shelter to a new home with resident cats.
The pygmy cory has been shown to be a perfect aquarium resident.
How can I get African grey parrots to breed?
Attract nesting Northern Cardinals to your yard with the right types of bird foods, plants and more.
Is it OK to leave guinea pig fathers in with the mother and baby guinea pigs?
Top 10 Pet Amazon Parrot Questions Answered
The Bronze Cory
Does a budgie's feather color determine their leg and feet skin color?
Conditioning is considered the first step in successfully breeding any species.
If you are considering getting another canary, follow these tips on how to set up a new cage for the two canaries.
Cichlid Fish Information
Peach-faced lovebirds are great pet birds for those looking for a small pet bird with a big personality.