How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog? We Asked the Experts

By: Ashley DavidsonUpdated:

how often should you bathe your dog: maltipoo dog in shower
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How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog? We Asked the Experts

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There’s nothing better than snuggling up with your pup on the couch for an evening of quality time. But as your dog nuzzles in closer, you realize something smells a little funny. As you sniff around, you realize—ugh—it’s your dog!

No one likes a stinky pup, but it’s nothing a bath can’t fix. While some pet parents may be guilty of waiting until their dog really needs a bath to give them one (raises hand), regular bathing is actually an essential part of pet care, according to Ernie Ward, DVM, CVFT, chief veterinary officer at VerticalVet in Charlotte, North Carolina.

So what constitutes “regular bathing”? How often should you bathe your dog? The answer is: It depends. It could range from a couple times a week to once every few months, based on your pup’s activity level, coat type, and skin condition. In general, most dogs would fare well with a bath every month or so, but again, it depends on the dog.

Why Regular Baths Are Important for Your Dog’s Health

Let’s start with the basics. If your dog looks or smells like they need a bath, it’s probably time to give them a bath. Just like with a person, hygiene is important for your dog, says Katie Billmaier, DVM, a shelter veterinarian at Furry Friends Adoption, Clinic & Ranch in Jupiter, Florida.

Not only do regular baths for dogs get rid of dirt in a dog’s coat and make them smell great, but they also keep their skin healthy.

“Bathing your dog is more about maintaining a strong defensive shield around the dog than merely enhancing beauty,” says Dr. Ward. “After all, the skin is your pup’s largest organ, and needs to be kept clean and healthy in order to provide a protective barrier to the environment.”

So if baths are that important for your dog’s health, what should a dog’s bathing schedule look like?

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How Often Should You Bathe Your Dog?

While Andrea Caspary, DVM, of GoodVets in Tampa, Florida, says there’s no true science that says how often to bathe a dog, you can make an educated guess based on three things:

  1. Their lifestyle
  2. Coat
  3. Skin conditions


As humans, we know that if we work up a sweat at the gym or get dirty doing yard work, we should take a shower. Well, the same rule applies to our pups. Active dogs are going to require more frequent bathing than couch potatoes.

“Activity level should be the prime factor in determining how often you bathe your dog,” says Miguel Garcia, chief groomer at Central Bark Fort Lauderdale in Florida. Garcia suggests bathing very active dogs at least once every two weeks.

However, if your dog loves swimming in the ocean, rolling around in mud, or any other activity where they clearly get dirty, you should give them a bath after each activity, says Dr. Billmaier, even if you just recently bathed them. And if your dog smells, they need a bath.

On the other hand, if your dog is the binge-watching Netflix type rather than the outdoorsy adventurer, you want to avoid over-bathing; they may only need a bath a handful of times a year.

“For more sedentary dogs with short coats like a French Bulldog, they may need one bath every two to three months as long as they are staying clean,” Dr. Caspary says.

But regardless of your pooch’s activity level, your dog’s coat type matters too.

Coat Type

When it comes to length, according to Dr. Billmaier, dogs with medium to long coats should get frequent bathing, usually every four to six weeks. Dogs with short coats can be bathed every one to three months.

Keep in mind that “the type of coat your dog has is a major factor in the frequency in which you should bathe them, but the rule of thumb doesn’t go strictly by length of fur or hair,” says Dr. Billmaier.

“Coat length is less important than texture,” says Daryl Conner, master pet stylist and owner/operator of FairWinds Grooming Studio in Appleton, Maine. Some dogs have coats that naturally repel dirt, while others seem to hold on to it, she says.

  • Soft coats and drop-coated breeds: “Dogs like Poodles and Bichons have soft coats that dirt tends to cling to,” Conner says. “Drop-coated breeds like Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzu, and Lhasa Apsos also tend to collect oil and debris, and need frequent bathing to ensure their coats look and smell fresh.”
  • Hairless dogs and breeds with oily coats: Billmaier suggests bathing hairless dogs and breeds with oily coats, like Labrador Retrievers and Basset Hounds, quite frequently—about once a week. This helps “to protect their skin from absorbing bacteria, pollutants, and toxins that are naturally eliminated when a furrier or hairier dog sheds,” Dr. Billmaier says. “Hairless dogs are prone to pore blockages and dermatological issues, such as spots and blackheads, if their bathing routine is not consistent and often.”
  • Thick and double-coated breeds: Thick and double-coated breeds, like Huskies and Golden Retrievers, can be bathed every one to three months. These dogs are prone to shedding, and “When a dog sheds, [the coat] naturally rids itself of dead skin cells and bacteria that could be harmful, so it is not necessary to bathe the dog frequently in addition to the natural shedding process,” Dr. Billmaier says.

If you’re not sure what kind of coat your dog has, ask your veterinarian during your next visit.

Skin Conditions

The third factor that’s important in determining how often you should wash your dog is your pet’s skin. Some dogs have skin conditions or a temporary skin infection that requires frequent application of a special dog shampoo prescribed by a vet.

“A dog that has a mild skin infection and has been prescribed a medicated dog shampoo may need to be bathed twice a week for two to three weeks depending on the resolution of the infection,” Dr. Caspary says.

The frequency at which you should bathe your dog with a medicated shampoo will depend on your dog’s skin condition, the product you use and your veterinarian’s recommendation. If you think your pup needs a special shampoo, talk to your veterinarian.

How Often Should I Bathe My Dog with Dry Skin?

If your dog has dry skin, check with your dog’s vet about bathing frequency, says Bethany Hsia, DVM, a veterinarian and co-founder of CodaPet, in Clovis, California.

However, in general, waiting six to eight weeks between baths is probably ideal, Dr. Hsia adds. Bathing a dog with dry skin too often can worsen the issue.

Make sure it’s OK with your vet, but it’s likely best to use a moisturizing shampoo that was made specifically for dogs with dry skin, she says.

How Often Can I Bathe a Dog with Sensitive Skin?

You may want to approach baths for a dog with sensitive skin in the same way you would for a dog with dry skin: once every six to eight weeks, says Dr. Hsia.

You’ll likely want to use a hypoallergenic shampoo to minimize skin irritation, she adds.

As always, pet parents should check with their vet.

Fleas and Ticks

If your pooch has fleas or ticks, and your dog’s bath involves a medicated shampoo for treating the pesky parasites, you may need to deviate from these guidelines. Follow your vet’s instructions to ensure you’re using the flea or tick treatment properly.

Can You Bathe a Dog Too Much?

OK, so what if your dog is really into bath time, and you absolutely love the idea of having a squeaky-clean, yummy-smelling pup 24/7? Is it possible to bathe your dog too much? The answer is yes.

Similar to how hairdressers advise against shampooing your hair every day, veterinarians and dog groomers say too many baths can do more harm than good.

“If you bathe a certain coat too often, it can affect the overall coat quality and strip their natural oils, which can cause irritation,” Dr. Caspary says.

If you notice that your dog’s skin is dry or irritated, and you bathe your dog often, opt for fewer baths in the future. It’s best to follow the advice above related to your dog’s lifestyle, coat, and skin condition. Then, Conner adds, use quality dog shampoo as well as a light conditioner to replace the natural oils shampoo may remove.

Never use a shampoo made for humans on your pup. “If you bathe your dog with human shampoo, you risk drying their skin out, affecting its protective abilities and potentially causing dermatological issues,” Dr. Ward says.

Learn more about dog grooming mistakes to avoid.

Brush Your Dog’s Coat in Between Baths

No matter how often you bathe your dog, they all benefit from regular brushing, says Garcia.

“All dogs benefit from regular brushing to remove loose hairs and dead skin cells,” says Garcia. Brushing also keeps coats free of dirt, debris, and external parasites, as well as distributes natural skin oils across all the hair follicles.

Dr. Billmaier agrees, saying that brushing your dog multiple times per week can help keep their coat fresher and shinier, and reduce matting and tangles.

“Invest in a quality dog brush to match your dog’s coat characteristics, and use it once or twice a day and after outdoor activities,” adds Dr. Ward. “Long-haired breeds require more attention, while short hair or rough-coated dogs generally only need light brushing.”

Learn more about brushing dogs, including when and how to brush a dog, and which brushes each coat type needs.

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We asked Dr. Hsia some common questions pet parents have about how often to bathe dogs. Here’s her advice.

Q:Can I bathe my dog once a week?

A:While it shouldn’t be harmful to bathe a dog with normal skin once a week, you may want to forego a weekly bath for your doggy. Washing dogs too often can cause dryness and irritation by minimizing natural oils on their skin. It’s possible to create skin problems that wouldn’t otherwise exist with too-frequent baths. Your dog’s breed type, coat type, and activity level can all affect how often they need a bath.

Q:How often should you bathe an indoor dog?

A:A healthy dog who isn’t outside getting especially dirty and who doesn’t smell bad usually needs a bath about every four weeks.

Q:Can I bathe my puppy every day?

A:No, you should not bathe your puppy every day because their coat is still developing, and they have more delicate skin. Only bathe a puppy when it’s necessary, such as when they get into something messy or they become smelly.

Q:When should I take my dog to the groomer?

A:A trip to the groomer every one to two months is beneficial for most dogs. They’ll be brushed, have their nails trimmed and receive a haircut if needed.

The next time you’re giving your pup a bath—and getting yourself soaked in the process—remember these wise words from Garcia: “Nourished skin and fur makes for a happy pet and a happy owner.” Next, watch our Chewtorial on how to properly give your dog a bath.

Expert input provided by Ernie Ward, DVM, CVFT, chief veterinary officer at VerticalVet in Charlotte, North Carolina; Katie Billmaier, DVM, a shelter veterinarian at Furry Friends Adoption, Clinic & Ranch in Jupiter, Florida; Andrea Caspary, DVM, of GoodVets in Tampa, Florida; Miguel Garcia, chief groomer at Central Bark Fort Lauderdale in Florida; Daryl Conner, master pet Stylist and owner/operator of FairWinds Grooming Studio in Appleton, Maine; and Bethany Hsia, DVM, a veterinarian and co-founder of CodaPet, in Clovis, California.

Additional reporting by Laura Willard.

 This content was medically reviewed by a veterinarian.


By: Ashley DavidsonUpdated:

Adult Dog