Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes? Benefits and Risks for Pet Rabbits

By: Wendy Rose GouldUpdated:

Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes
Alicia Fdez via Getty Images

Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes? Benefits and Risks for Pet Rabbits

Tomatoes are a juicy, nutrient-dense snack for humans that make their way into everything from hamburgers to salads to pasta dishes. But can rabbits eat tomatoes and enjoy the same health benefits that we humans do? The quick answer is yes, rabbits can eat tomatoesbut there are some important considerations to keep in mind before tossing this fruit (masquerading as a veggie) into their food bowl. 

Benefits of Tomatoes for Rabbits 

Rabbits are allowed to eat tomatoes, but because tomatoes are not a primary part of their diet (that would be hay), they should be fed only in moderation, says Denise Pancari, DVM, a veterinarian and co-owner of Animal Medical Hospital, in Centereach, New York.  

Check out some of the reasons why tomatoes offer health benefits:  

  • Vitamins and antioxidants: “Tomatoes are a good source of many vitamins, such as C, A, and K,” Dr. Pancari says. “They are also rich in lycopene, which is an antioxidant.”  
  • Hydration: This juicy produce is chock-full of water, providing an additional source of hydration for your hopping cutie.  
  • Low calorie count: Like many other types of produce, tomatoes are low in calories, which can help your bunny maintain a healthy weight.  

Risks of Tomatoes for Rabbits 

While tomatoes are a yummy snack for rabbits, there are some things you’ll want to keep in mind before feeding any to your furry friend.   

  • Tomato leaves and stems: Toxins called tomatine and solanine are present in tomato leaves and stems, warns Dr. Pancari. Make sure to remove all of the green parts before feeding tomatoes to your rabbit. Tomatine and solanine poisoning can present with digestive upset (diarrhea or vomiting), loss of appetite, lethargy, or, in severe cases, tremors or seizures 
  • Unripe tomatoes: If you’re going to feed your bunny tomatoes, be sure they’re ripe. Unripe green tomatoes also contain higher levels of tomatine, which can be harmful to rabbits.  
  • Acid levels: “Tomatoes can be high in acid, which can cause gastrointestinal issues,” Dr. Pancari says. These issues might present as bloating, soft or watery stools, or lethargy. 
  • Sugar content: When consumed in excess, tomatoes can also provide too much sugar to your rabbit, which can lead to weight gain and obesity 
  • Allergic reaction: Though uncommon, some rabbits might have an allergic or adverse reaction to eating tomatoes. Observe your pet after introducing this fruit and watch for issues such as itching, swelling, bloating, diarrhea, or, in rare cases, labored breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms, stop feeding tomatoes immediately and contact your veterinarian for further guidance. 

How Many Tomatoes Can My Rabbit Have? 

Always feed tomatoes to your rabbit in moderation. A small slice one to two times a week is a good guide, Dr. Pancari says. Remember, all produce is supplemental to your rabbit’s diet, which should consist primarily of grass hay and pellets  

Of the small amount of veggies that you do feed your rabbit, tomatoes should make up only about a quarter, says Brittany Schlacter, an educator for the House Rabbit Society and director of West Michigan Critter Haven in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “Leafy greens should comprise approximately 75% of the fresh vegetables fed daily, and non-leafy greens [including produce like tomatoes] should make up the other 25%.”  

Oxbow Essentials Adult Rabbit Food All Natural Adult Rabbit Pellets, 5-lb bag
Kaytee Natural Timothy Hay Small Animal Food, 24-oz bag
Kent / Blue Seal Home Fresh Show Hutch Deluxe 17 Small Animal Food, 20-lb bag

How To Feed Tomatoes to Rabbits 

Before feeding tomatoes to your rabbit, make sure the fruit is completely ripe and not green. Also, take care to remove all the stems and leaves. Unripe tomatoes, stems, leaves, and seeds are all poisonous to rabbits because they contain the toxic substances tomatine and solanine. Although the levels of these substances in ripe tomatoes and seeds are minimal, it’s still a good idea to remove the seeds as a precaution. 

“Wash tomatoes and clean off any seeds, then cut them into small pieces to eat,” Dr. Pancari says. The pieces should be about one-half inch in size, or smaller if you have dwarf-size rabbits. 

After feeding, monitor your rabbit closely for any adverse signs—such as in their droppings, desire to eat, or energy level—and contact your veterinarian with any concerns. 

FAQs About Rabbits and Tomatoes 

Q:Can rabbits eat raw tomatoes? 

A:Rabbits can eat raw tomatoes as long as they are completely ripe and all the green leaves and stems have been removed. You’ll also want to remove any seeds. Tomatoes are generally considered a healthy snack for rabbits, thanks to vitamins A, K, and C and their high water content. Still, rabbits should be fed tomatoes only in moderation—no more than one small slice once or twice a week.  

Q:Can rabbits eat cherry tomatoes? 

A:Cherry tomatoes are safe for rabbits to eat. The same rules apply as when feeding your pet other varieties of tomatoes: Make sure the tomatoes are ripe, the stems, leaves, and seeds are removed, and you feed your rabbit only small amounts 

Q:Do rabbits like tomatoes? 

A:Every rabbit is different, of course, but many do enjoy the taste of tomatoes. Tomatoes have some sugar in them, which makes them especially enticing, and many rabbits like their juicy texture and sweet flavor.  

Q:Do rabbits eat tomato plants?  

A:Rabbits are notorious for entering gardens, and they’re likely to chow down on the ripe tomatoes they find there. They might also sometimes eat tomato vines, stems, and leaves, which contain solanine, a substance that’s toxic to rabbits. It’s important to keep bunnies away from your tomato garden for this reason. 

A rabbit’s diet is primarily hay, but adding safe produce is a way to supplement their meals and provide them with some tasty treats and variety. Remember to always feed these extra items in moderation, and watch for adverse reactions any time you introduce a new food.  

This content was medically reviewed by Teresa Manucy, DVM, Chewy veterinarian. 


By: Wendy Rose GouldUpdated:
