Explore the outstanding ferret personality types and the factors that shape a ferret's personality.
Algae can quickly overtake your tank if not dealt with swiftly
Learn more about what it means for a female cat to be in heat, and what kind of behaviors you can expect.
BeChewy looks at why your cat might eat plants and when you should get concerned for your cat's safety.
How To Stop Your Senior Cat From Biting
BeChewy explores Clown Loach Behavior, from hiding and playing dead to chasing snails.
Learn why a sugar glider would bite and what you can do to prevent from getting bitten.
When Does Dog Play Escalate Into A Dog Fight?
Dog Grooming Tips For Senior Dogs
Dogs scratching furniture is a common issue that many pet parents face. Find out what causes this behavior, how to prevent it and tips for creating a dog-proof couch.
Why do some cats get aggressive when there's food around? BeChewy gives you tips to manage your cat's food aggression and keep your other pets safe.
Zanclus cornutus usually does not survive in captivity, but following these tips may increase your chances of success.
Follow these tips when it's time to give your pet bird a bath.
Learn about such topics as health and wellness, housing and food when keeping multiple parakeets/budgies as pets.
Quaker parrots desire for companionship and tendency to "borrow?objects will just as surely steal your heart. Learn all about quaker parrots as pets in this article.
Natural selection favors darker-furred felines.
What behavior changes should be expected after a rabbit is neutered?
When a parrot refuses to come out of the bird cage and won't let you near it either, this behavior is called "cage bound." Find out what to do about cage-bound parrots.