Zanclus cornutus usually does not survive in captivity, but following these tips may increase your chances of success.
Follow these tips when it's time to give your pet bird a bath.
Learn about such topics as health and wellness, housing and food when keeping multiple parakeets/budgies as pets.
Quaker parrots desire for companionship and tendency to "borrow?objects will just as surely steal your heart. Learn all about quaker parrots as pets in this article.
Natural selection favors darker-furred felines.
What behavior changes should be expected after a rabbit is neutered?
When a parrot refuses to come out of the bird cage and won't let you near it either, this behavior is called "cage bound." Find out what to do about cage-bound parrots.
Do you ever feel like there someone is watching you? There is Šand its probably your parrot.
BeChewy helps you understand signs of an unhappy ferret, from refusing food and grumpiness to more out of the ordinary ferret behaviors.
BeChewy looks at bird health within the context of feather color changes and when you should see a vet.
If you want to own a quaker parrot in the United States, consult this infographic to learn if quaker parrots are legal in your area.
Trying to suppress your cat's hunting instincts can lead to behavior issues - BeChewy helps you understand how to help your cat express these instincts constructively.
Whether or not a pet chinchilla bites mostly depends on how an owner treats him and the environment provided.
With all the attention on vaccines for people, we investigate what vaccines parrots may or may not need.
How To Stop Your Adult Dog From Running Away
Curtains to hide behind, wildlife to watch and condensation to lick -- windows offer so much to cats.
Why are puppies born with their eyes closed? Are dogs color blind? Find out how well your puppy sees, hears, and smells in this informative article.
Have a great playtime with your pet African grey with these tips.