Keep your fur friend safe from outdoor pests this flea season using Capstar flea tablets for dogs & cats. Learn how this oral flea medication works to keep your pet protected.
A cat walking in circles can signal a variety of issues.
Unlock the secrets to a purr-fect night's sleep for your kitten.
Deciphering how your dog feels can be a challenge. Here’s what to do when your dog is sick.
Why are they doing it? Vets weigh in.
Learn the signs of upset stomach in cats and how to soothe their tummy troubles.
Learn the facts so you can make the best choice for your mature dog.
When's the right time to introduce a new cat to one who has lost a companion?
Pets can get stressed, too. Here's how to calm them.
Our furry companions need special attention, too—from the tips of their cold, wet noses to the bottom of their dog paws.
Is your cat’s drooling a cause for concern?
While there’s no such thing as the Fountain of Youth, you can take certain steps to help make your dogs and cats feel younger and live longer.
There’s a good reason why they call it a “cat nap.”
How to tell if your favorite feline is living their best life.
Decoding your dog’s whining is an important first step in ensuring your pup is safe and comfortable.
Here’s how to get that funky skunk smell off your dog.
Your cat may be pooping outside the litter box due to health issues.
Arthritis is a common condition in dogs, especially as they age.