Reduce your dog’s anxiety during dog grooming and while cutting your dog’s nails with these helpful products.
5 Reasons You Should Never Scold Your Cat
Because there’s no better New Year’s resolution than spending more time with your pet.
The idea that dog owners need to establish dominance over their dogs through heavy-handed physical means has been around for far too long.
Here are six activities to keep your cat engaged and happy all summer long.
Even if your dog loves water, certain behaviors can put him at risk of drowning. Here are six things not to do when you take your dog swimming.
Get a veterinarian overview of dog therapy training, the steps to achieve therapy dog certification and the role of dog rehabilitation in helping others in the community.
Some of the most common pet parent anxieties are much more common than you think.
What do flea bites looks like? Here, a veterinarian breaks down the difference flea vs. tick bites.
Learn about what to do if you have a jealous dog, and what you can do to stop any dog aggression that may result from jealousy.
Uncover common flea & tick myths to help you improve your flea treatment.
Here, find out why it’s important to make sure your dog is getting exercise and how you can be a better workout buddy.
Why Do Cats Love Small Spaces?
Find five ways to occupy your new kitten while saving your older cat's sanity.
Oftentimes, your dog doesn’t want to be washed just as much as you don’t want to wash him. Here are 8 tips to make bathtime less stressful.
Why do cats scratch? Find cat behavior and cat psychology answers for this natural cat instinct and kitten behavior with veterinarian Jennifer Conrad, DVM.
Why Are Cats Afraid of Cucumbers?
Cats don’t typically need ear cleanings—but if your vet has recommended it, follow this step-by-step guide on how to clean cat ears.