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How to Entice Your Dog at Mealtime

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

How to Entice Your Dog at Mealtime

If you have a picky pup, nothing is more important than getting him to eat—and to eat healthy—at mealtime. When your dog doesn’t want to eat, it is up to you to ensure that he’s receiving the nutrients and vitamins he needs to stay strong, healthy and happy. Find out the reasons why your dog refuses to eat and use these tips to help bring back his appetite:

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:


Adverse Food Reactions: The Difference Between a Food Allergy and Food Intolerance

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

Adverse Food Reactions: The Difference Between a Food Allergy and Food Intolerance

Adverse Food Reactions: The Difference Between a Food Allergy and Food Intolerance

If you have a sick dog, determining the root of the problem isn’t always easy. If everything else in your pup’s daily lifestyle has remained constant, a recent change in his diet could be the source; and if so, you’ll need to determine whether or not your pup is experiencing a food allergy, or a food intolerance. Both are considered to be food aversions, however they come about for very different reasons.

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:


Can Dogs Eat Pickles, Corn and Other Condiments and Sides?

By: John GilpatrickUpdated:

dog and corn

Can Dogs Eat Pickles, Corn and Other Condiments and Sides?

There’s hardly a more quintessentially American activity than firing up a grill in the summertime, but what’s a gathering over hot dogs, burgers and potato salad if your family dog can’t partake in the fun? “Barbecues are communal, so being able to have your pets there is part of the fun — for you, for the pets and for any kids present,” says Dr. Charlotte Flint, a senior consulting veterinarian in clinical toxicology at the Pet Poison Helpline.

By: John GilpatrickUpdated:


The Benefits of Toppers

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

The Benefits of Toppers

Many dog and cat owners have already discovered—and may be using—food toppers. Often pet owners will use these products as nutritional supplements to traditional dog food or as flavor enhancers to entice picky eaters to eat more. If you’ve ever wondered if these products really live up to the hype—or if you’ve never heard of them before and are interested in learning more—we’ve got some answers.

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:
