Kendall Curley

As a former Connecticut resident, Kendall is coming to terms with the lack of seasons in Florida by gaining an appreciation for all the activities that the Florida climate allows year-round. When she is not hard at work at Chewy, she can be found going on adventures with her dog, Pip, or going horseback riding with her friends. She is an avid fosterer of dogs and spends an inordinate amount of time picking dog hair off of her clothes and belongings.
Posts by Kendall Curley : 4

Why Is Fiber for Dogs So Important?

By: Kendall CurleyUpdated:

Why Is Fiber for Dogs So Important?

Why Is Fiber for Dogs So Important?

Fiber plays an intricate and necessary role in a dog’s diet. Not only is fiber an essential nutrient that supports the proper function of the digestive system, but it can provide other surprising health benefits for your pup as well. With the right balance, you can avoid having to deal with dog diarrhea or ending up with a constipated dog.

By: Kendall CurleyUpdated:
