Find out what flea eggs on dogs look like, and how to kill them for good.
Are they frantically scratching or biting? Excessively grooming?
It's time for your crash course on Cat Allergy Medicine 101.
Are your dog’s eyes looking a little, um, crusty? Here's what you need to know about eye discharge in dogs.
Need to medicate your dog? Follow these vet-approved tips for getting your pup to swallow that pesky pill.
Including a vet’s recommendations for liver supplements for dogs.
No, your cat’s not “crying,” but excessive tearing can occur in cats and kittens. Find out what’s causing your cat’s watery eyes.
Does your old dog have an upset stomach or an underlying health problem? Here's what you need to know.
Learn about the variety of safe over-the-counter, prescription and holistic medicines that provide pain relief for dogs.
Has your dog developed a bubble on their ear flap? It’s called a dog ear hematoma, and it likely requires medical attention.
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are common in kittens and cats. Find out how to protect your kitty.
Did you know dogs can get the flu? Learn what dog flu symptoms look like and find out if your pet is at risk.
It's time for your crash course on Dog Allergy Medicine 101.
The rabies vaccine for dogs can save your dog’s life. Here’s everything you need to know about the rabies shot for dogs, including vaccine schedule, cost, and side effects.
When your dog has diarrhea, feeding the right foods can speed up their recovery. Find out what to feed a dog with diarrhea.
What are the signs of a dog in heat, and how can you help your dog when the time comes? Here's everything you should know about dogs in heat.
Wondering how to get rid of fleas and protect your pet without harsh chemicals? Try these natural remedies for fleas in your home and yard.
Got a picky pet? Changing your dog's or cat's diet doesn't have to be difficult. Follow our guide on how to switch pet food the easy way.