Does a budgie's feather color determine their leg and feet skin color?
Conditioning is considered the first step in successfully breeding any species.
Everything you wanted to know about spaying your cat and more.
BeChewy coaches you through what to look for and what to do if your dog has eaten a sock.
BeChewy looks at hair loss in dogs - a trip to the vet as soon as possible is the best course of action.
If you are considering getting another canary, follow these tips on how to set up a new cage for the two canaries.
CatChannel and CAT FANCY veterinary expert Arnold Plotnick, DVM, shares information on what elevated liver and kidney counts mean for cats.
Learn about what Dropsy is in fish, how to treat and prevent it.
BeChewy gives you the ins and outs of the delicate process of breeding Zebra Danios.
BeChewy explores the possibility of keeping goldfish in a barrel pond.
BeChewy explores why your cat's meow might change and what it could mean about your cat's health.
CatChannel and CAT FANCY cat behaviorist Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, explains how to gain cats' trust after frightening them.
BeChewy looks at the best place to put your dog's crate in your home in order to keep your pup feeling their best.
Get insight on what a dog’s constant scratching and rubbing after being groomed may indicate.
CatChannel veterinary expert, Arnold Plotnick, DVM, says the notion that a cat's nose must be wet is not entirely accurate.
BeChewy gives you step-by-step instructions for teaching the "bow" and "watch me" dog tricks.
Peach-faced lovebirds are great pet birds for those looking for a small pet bird with a big personality.
This "road map" of the ferret's skeletal system helps explain some ferret abilities and ailments.