Learn about Snowshoe cats and read up on the breed's personality, size and history.
Dogs can be extremely frustrating when they don't pay attention. Here are five reasons this happens and how dog training can help.
Here are our dog trainer's top four tips to break your dog of their begging behaviors.
Dog toys are an important part of your pup's life, but picking the right ones are important. Watch out for these dog toy dangers.
Tips for introducing a new dog to a dog, introducing a new cat to cat, or introducing a dog to a cat.
The Top 6 Pet Skin Problems + Tips to Help
Find out the best methods for house training a dog to become a puppy potty training expert.
Build Trust With a New Dog or Cat
Real Life Superhero Chris Pine Adopts Pit Bull Puppy
Turtle was a puppy mill dog that suffered from severe medical problems that required extensive and expensive treatment. Read about his survival story.
We spent the day with Hope for Paws and learned about some of their rescue animals. Read more about this awesome, lifesaving organization.
Dr. Evan Antin's good looks have catapulted him into the spotlight. But this hard-working veterinarian has a lot more to offer. Read about his life-saving work.
Not all dogs will like you right out of the gate. Sometimes, it takes a little time. Try these five tips for getting a dog to like you.
Hemingway Cats: The Felines That Rule Papa's Key West Estate
Senior dogs have difficulty getting adopted. But these organizations are working hard to make sure senior dogs get the love they deserve.
Affectionate and endearing, the American Shorthair quickly became one of the earliest cat breeds kept in the home. Read more about the American Shorthair personality, care and history.
Cats can often get a bad rap for being unresponsive and aloof, but the key to communicating with your cat can be as simple as paying attention to its behavior.
With its dark, scraggly coat and nearly hairless face and paws, the Lykoi’s presence in the home could certainly make it feel like Halloween year-round.