Dr. Jerry Murray writes about wet tail in hamsters and a Syrian hamster with a prolapse likely caused by wet tail.
Injected antiobiotics can sometimes react badly with the underlying muscle.
BeChewy explores diagnosing and treating Red blotch disease in Corydoras Catfish.
Is your budgie and/or parakeet biting? Find out why a budgie and/or parakeet bites and how to stop it.
Learn how acidic citrus fruits affect you and your birds.
BeChewy tackles the question "What's That Musky Odor Coming From My Cat?"
What is the best way to groom a chinchilla that’s shedding heavily?
Why would a mouse spin and circles, and how can this be treated?
Regurgitating food is not a problem, but a dog vomiting can be serious.
Find out what you can expect as you care for an ailing ferret at home during his last days.
The diagnosis and treatment of a guinea pig with head tilt and mites.
BeChewy looks at the Persian cat coat patterns and colors from blue cream and tortoise shell to Chocolate Calico to Lilac Calico.
Yes, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi sheds, but owners can keep hair under control with a few tools.
What gets rid of dandruff on guinea pigs?
BeChewy helps you understand what to do if your rabbit nearly stops drinking water.
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, talks about how to pick up a cat.
Know the signs of an ill hamster.