What adaptations a bird has developed can tell you a lot about the environment it lives in, and what foods it eats.
Here are a seven key ways to ensure that your purebred dog co-ownership will be rewarding and not turn into a nightmare, as so many do.
BeChewy answers the top 10 pet African Grey Parrot questions, from training and diet to talking.
Learn about why acorns contain substances that can be quite harmful to dogs.
BeChewy helps you understand why your cockatiel might be nipping or biting and what you can do to train them out of the habit.
Help your pet parrot overcome its fear of your hands by providing treats, teaching Step up and observing its body language.
What does it mean when your bird makes no noise at all?
Is baby shampoo safe for sugar gliders, and do they even need baths?
BeChewy looks at why your older cat might be wheezing, whether or not it's a sign of respiratory issues and when to see a vet.
Know the signs of illness in your hedgehog.
Get to know a little more about the six Angora rabbit breeds currently recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association.
10 Interesting Facts About Cats
BeChewy teaches you 10 things about cockatiels, from their behavior to their bodies to their appearance.
Learn all about hamster species and which types of hamsters are best for kids or adults.
This wash-and-wear dog breed needs regular nail trimming and brushing to look its best.
Use these clues to help identify chinchilla illness.
BeChewy goes through how to help an injured field mouse in a safe way.
BeChewy looks at why a dog might ly down on walks and what you can do to keep them going.