On their own, water and dogs don’t smell bad. So why does the combination of the two lead to such an awful stench?
How to Walk Multiple Dogs Without Losing Your Cool
A stressed dog can lead to aggressive dog behavior. Follow these tips to help with your dog's aggression.
Groomers see more than outer appearances when they care for our dogs. Find out what your groomer is trying to tell you, in a nice way.
Should You Hug Your Dog?
Read about Mowgli's inspiring dog story. When faced with cancer, his loving owners made the most of the rest of his time to check off items on his ultimate bucket list
While it may make for a funny video, is it really safe for dogs to eat lemons?
BeChewy looks at 15 questions veterinarians wish that puppy owners would ask about their puppy, including healthy puppy weight and puppy teeth.
8 Sure-Fire Ways to Tire Your Dog Out
As your dog’s advocate, it’s important to learn the difference between appropriate and inappropriate play and intervene when necessary.
4 Reasons Why Play Is Essential for Your Pet
Check out the best skin and coat supplements for dogs, like biotin for dogs and other vitamins, so you can help promote your dog's healthy coat.
As obesity trends in the United States increase for humans, the same is occurring in our furry companions. Find out how to maintain your pet's healthy weight.
The Role of Treats in Training Your Pet
Bringing home a new dog or cat is so exciting that it can be easy to forget how taxing it can be on your new pal.
Grooming is part of basic pet care, and doing it regularly not only keeps your best four-legged friend looking good, but will keep him in good health too. Regular grooming will familiarize you with your pet’s body and alert you to any changes or abnormalities immediately—and help you both strengthen your bond for life.
This pumpkin-packed dog treat recipe combines healthy kale and turkey. Learn how to make this delicious dog treat recipe at home.
It’s a question most dog parents probably never thought of before, but now you won’t be able to get it out of your head: does my dog have a belly button?