Get ready to fall into the season with these eight fab dog-friendly autumn activities.
8 Breeds that Need Special Summer Care
With the help of the American Kennel Club, we’ve rounded up the 10 best travel-friendly dog breeds, as well as some tips for traveling with your pup.
We’ve tapped an expert to share a list breeds that can help keep you fit, along with some tips for beginning an exercise routine with your dog.
Pet food trends follow along with the eating habits of humans. Learn how items like kale, antioxidants, and probiotics can help your pet stay healthy.
A small portion of food can almost constitute a meal for your dog or cat. Don't believe us? Here are a few examples.
Cats are masterpieces of amazing anatomical facts. Here are 10 interesting feline tidbits that you might not know.
Here's some clues that you're not giving kitty enough TLC and what to do about it.
Help your dog live on a log and healthy life by avoiding these common pet parent problems.
You don’t have to look much further than your own pantry for some cat-safe foods to feed your pet.
Keep your car from looking and smelling like a kennel with these road-tested, expert-approved tips.
Some home remedies can do more harm than good or are just flat out ineffective. Here are eight to steer clear of.
The following methodologies do more harm than good and can damage the relationship you have with your dog.
Find simple alternatives to help your overweight dog drop the extra pounds after the holidays with dog weight loss activity playtime suggestions and food and treat swaps.
Make these five simple changes to your everyday routine to help your overweight dog with his dog weight loss goals including dietary swaps and time for playtime activity.
Find the perfect stocking stuffers for the cat or dog lover in your life or your pet family members this season to make it feel like cat and dog Christmas all year-round.
Prepare for traveling with pets with these expert tips to keep your four-legged family members calm and relaxed whether you are flying with a cat or traveling with a dog.
Boost dog fur and dog hair coat quality and shine with expert dog grooming and dog nutrition advice with these 7 tips to improve your dog's health from the inside out.