You can enjoy a walk outside with your ferrets as long as you take safety precautions.
Information for keeping and breeding killifish.
A vet visit is in order for a dog who returned from a grooming visit with constant tremors.
Contrary to rumors circulating, the fabric refresher is not toxic to dogs.
CatChannel and CAT FANCY veterinary expert Arnold Plotnick, DVM, discusses when to become concerned about a cat's lump, and how to treat it.
How will my hamster fare during our trip?
Fish that are at the surface of the pond in the early morning may be in trouble.
The Top 3 Smartest Pet Birds
BeChewy tackles whether or not large cat whiskers say something in particular about a cat.
BeChewy looks at what might attract cats to people, whether or nor you're a cat person.
BeChewy gives you the details on how to deal with irritation on your dog's skin after they're groomed.
BeChewy looks at the factors ands symptoms that likely make the lump on your dog's leg a Lipoma - a harmless fatty tumor.
BeChewy helps you understand everything you need to know about rabbit allergies, including the fact that you can still likely own a rabbit despite your allergy if you select the right breed!
Is the flu a zoonotic illness that can pass back and forth between people and rabbits?