After Five Years, Hard-Working Train Station Cat Gets A Promotion

By: Chewy EditorialPublished:

After Five Years, Hard-Working Train Station Cat Gets A Promotion

OK, so maybe you’ve had your World’s Greatest Middle Manager coffee mug long enough that the lettering has started to fade. And maybe you’ve been in the same cubicle so long that you swear your complexion matches its gray fabric walls. But chances are, you’ve gotten a job promotion at some point in your career — and probably well before little Felix did.

The black and white cat has spent HER ENTIRE LIFE working at the Huddersfield, England railway station, but she’s just gotten her very first promotion.


What do you mean I missed a mouse!? Posted by Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat on Monday, 8 February 2016

Felix has now officially been named the station’s Senior Pest Controller, which earned her a fluorescent yellow vest and a name tag.

“A mouse a day keeps the boss away,” she said, according to the Huddersfield Daily Examiner. (Or she dictated to her secretary. Who knows what kind of perks she might have now).

Felix arrived at the station in 2011 when she was only 9 weeks old. Since then, she has kept the station and its platforms free of mice, pigeons and other unwanted pests. During that time, she has been rewarded with her very own cat door… and her own Facebook page.

Congratulations, Felix. There might be hope for the rest of us yet.


Bit of a rainy start to the week here in Huddersfield. 3 pigeons already chased off Platform 1 ready for the 0640 Airport service. Stay dry and warm everyone! Posted by Felix the Huddersfield Station Cat on Sunday, 7 February 2016

By: Jelisa Castrodale


By: Chewy EditorialPublished:
