How To Stop Your Itchy Dog From Scratching

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

itchy dog

How To Stop Your Itchy Dog From Scratching

When dog scratching gets out of hand, a visit to the vet is in order. Not only is an itchy dog an unhappy pup, but there are many underlying reasons your dog might be scratching—from skin issues to allergies.

What Causes an Itchy Dog?

Allergies are one of the most common reasons for dog scratching. Like humans, dogs can be allergic to many things, from allergens in the environment, flea bites, or sometimes their food.

In the case of flea allergy dermatitis, it’s not the fleas themselves that animals are allergic to, but to the flea saliva, says Martin Goldstein, DVM, integrative veterinarian and owner of Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, New York.

Itchiness also can be caused by mite infestations or a skin infection called pyoderma, in which case the dogs are itchy because of the infection and can become allergic to the bacteria itself, Goldstein says.

"I have seen cases from very mild and uncomplicated skin issues—mild skin infection, early noticeable hair loss—to serious and complicated patients where they are coming in and the dog has raw skin lesions," says Loke Jin Wong, DVM, associate veterinarian at Pikesville Animal Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Finding the Underlying Causes

Before you can work on the actual itching, your vet must pinpoint what’s causing it.

“Until the underlying cause is addressed, the itchiness will never go away,” Dr. Wong says. “A lot of our itchy dog patients come in with secondary bacterial and yeast skin infections. You can treat these secondary infections, but they will keep coming back until the primary underlying cause is resolved.”

The first step in diagnosing the primary cause of dog skin problems is always a thorough exam.

During this exam, “Veterinarians can recommend appropriate diagnostics, which could include procedures such as scraping the skin of a dog to check for mites, pressing a microscope slide on a dog’s skin to get impression smears, medication, and diet trials,” Dr. Wong says.

Depending on the results, your itchy dog might need allergy medication, antibiotics, antifungal medications, a change in diet, or other diagnostics or treatments to resolve the issue.

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How To Help Your Itchy Dog

While you’re waiting for an evaluation, there are things you can try at home to support the skin and provide itch relief for dogs.

For dogs with suspected allergies, for example, over-the-counter options include topically applied wipes and shampoos, and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help with promoting skin health (but not with directly treating the allergies).

Add Fatty Acids To Your Dog's Diet

Dr. Wong says to start by adding fatty acids to your pup’s diet.

“Fish oil and flaxseed oil are usually good dog supplements to give our furry friends, but please consult with your vet for an appropriate product and dose,” Dr. Wong says. “There are also some topical fatty acid products out there that could potentially be applied to these itchy spots.”

Dog-friendly omega-3 supplements like Nutramax Welactin Omega-3 Fish Oil and Wholistic Pet Organics Flax Seed Oil can easily be added to your dog's daily meals, with your vet's approval. 

Nutramax Welactin Omega-3 Liquid Skin & Coat Supplement for Dogs
Wholistic Pet Organics Flax Seed Oil Dog & Cat Supplement

Use Anti-Itch Shampoos or Soothing Wipes

You also can use a gentle dog shampoo or mousse for itchy skin, like Douxo S3™ Calm shampoo or mousse to soothe their skin, or try TropiClean® Allergy Relief Wipes to relieve your pup.

Whatever you use, Dr. Wong says to talk with your vet first.

“We usually don’t recommend [over-the-counter] medicating until we are able to work up the underlying cause,” Dr. Wong says. “A lot of times, treating certain lesions with steroidal creams or other medications could alter the disease process and make it harder to diagnose.”

Douxo S3 CALM Soothing Dog & Cat Shampoo
Douxo S3 CALM Soothing Dog & Cat Mousse
TropiClean OxyMed Gentle Allergy Relief Dog & Cat Wipes

Prevent Your Dog From Accessing the Area

As you properly deal with the underlying cause, your dog’s itchiness eventually should be resolved, Dr. Wong says.

“In the meantime, an Elizabethan collar is the way to go,” she says. “A cotton T-shirt is also not a bad idea if your pet does not tolerate the e-collar well.”

The All Four Paws™ e-collar comes in several sizes and is a soft, cone-shaped Elizabethan collar instead of the ridged plastic cones often seen.

For small dogs, you can use a baby or toddler onesie.

All Four Paws Comfy Cone E-Collar for Dogs & Cats

Expert input provided by Martin Goldstein, DVM, integrative veterinarian and owner of Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, New York; and Loke Jin Wong, DVM, associate veterinarian at Pikesville Animal Hospital in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

This content was medically reviewed by Chewy vets.


By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:
