Believe it or not, dogs aren’t the only ones who end up in the dog house. As pet parents, sometimes we must drop the hammer and make unpopular decisions to protect our fur babies from illness, injury or another kind of dog-related pickle. Most of the time, raising your doggo provides endless entertainment, but there will be times when you must play the bad cop role.
It’s not a fun role, but it is necessary to keep pets safe in this world of infinite smells and tempting “treats” they find on the street. Here are eight scenarios that might land you in the dog house with your pup.
1. No More Table Scraps

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Once a pup gets a taste for human food, you can expect him to park his furry booty tableside at every meal, just in case you consider tossing a small piece of turkey or bread his way. And while several human foods are safe for dogs to eat, it’s best to keep table scraps to a minimum or eliminate them altogether.
Dog food is formulated for your canine companion. So, while a piece of kibble will never taste as good as a piece of seasoned meat, it’s ultimately safer for him. Keep that in mind the next time he gives you those puppy eyes at dinner time.
2. Toy Take-Away

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Every pup has a favorite toy. But after all that playing, tugging and nibbling, there comes a time when the toy has seen better days. The cloth is torn, the stuffing is falling out and the squeaker is at least a foot away from all that remains of the once pristine toy. You must take the toy away.
It seems so unfair, doesn’t it? And the face your dog makes when you take it away undoubtedly breaks your heart. But don’t cave. Your furry child easily can swallow and/or choke on those toy pieces, and the fun is over for everyone. After all, spending another $5 on a new toy or other fun dog supplies is better than spending $1,000+ on surgery to remove the squeaker from your dog’s belly.
3. The Mouth-Dive
There’s a type of courage that only dog parents possess, and it shows up the moment you see your pup chewing on something and you have no idea what it is. You roll up your sleeve, pry open those slobbery jaws and dive in to retrieve the unknown object.
For that brief moment prior, your dog might have thought he scored a bonus treat and is supremely psyched about it. But you don’t know if it’s a piece of food or glass, so you get that hand in there and start digging around.
No, you don’t consider the possibility of getting bitten or scratched. You just go into parent-mode and do what it takes to keep him safe, much to your pupper’s chagrin.
4. Bath Time

Via Giphy
Even the dogs who love playing with the hose in the summertime are not always thrilled about bath time. Water fights in the summer are fun; getting bathed and cleaned is a chore.
Your dog might pout the moment he hears, “It’s time for a bath!” He might even hide or whine at the top of his puppy lungs.
Ultimately though, baths are necessary to keep your dog smelling fresh and to keep germs and bacteria from spreading all over your home, because unless your dog wears booties outside and you’re wiping his bum after each potty session, he definitely is tracking in grime, dirt and possibly fecal matter from outside. And if he sleeps in bed with you, that’s just gross.
Get tips on how to make bath time fun here.
5. Mani-Pedis
Getting a mani-pedi is a fun and relaxing experience for humans. For dogs, however, it can be terrifying and even painful if you accidentally trim his nails to the quick, making them bleed.
However, a nail trim helps maintain the health of the nail and prevents them from curling into themselves or getting infected, so regular nail trims are a necessary part of your dog’s overall hygiene. If your dog gets nervous on mani-pedi days, shower him with treats and some new dog toys to cheer him up. Either one certainly will help keep you out of the dog house.
Learn how to give your dog the perfect mani-pedi with this guide to trimming your dog’s nails.
6. Bundling Up for the Outdoors

Via Giphy
Some dogs need clothes to stay warm during cold, winter walks. In addition to warm doggy coats and sweaters, doggy boots are another great cold weather option as they protect dogs’ paws from chemical deicers and salt used on streets and sidewalks.
The problem is that some dogs don’t get the hype. They might be thinking, “Why is my hooman putting these boots on my feet? What purpose does this serve? I don’t like it. And now a jacket, too? Ugh.” If only he understood that you’re just trying to protect him from the elements so he can do his business.
(Note: If you’ve patiently tried to train your dog to wear boots and a jacket, and he still doesn’t like it, it may be best to opt out.)
7. Eye Booger Duty
Unless your dog is on the fancy side, and keenly aware of the importance of canine hygiene, then he probably doesn’t care if he has dirt on his face, mud on his feet or eye boogers all the way down to his nose.
Whether these eye boogies are of the crusty or gooey variety, you can’t just let them take up space under your dog’s beautiful peepers. The inevitable motherly moment occurs when you say, “Come here, sweetheart,” and clean up your fur baby’s face, no matter how much he struggles or tries wiggling away.
Your dog may not like the impromptu grooming sesh, but it’s important to pay attention to eye discharge as it could indicate a health problem, such as allergies or an infection.
8. Going to the Vet
Going to the vet probably isn’t on your dog’s list of “Top Fun Things To Do.” To make matters worse, he probably thought he was going to the dog park when he got into the car. Not cool, Mom and Dad!
Nobody likes being poked and prodded by the doctor, but regular veterinary checkups will help keep your pet in tip-top shape. It may put you in the dog house, but you can sleep easy knowing that your dog is healthy.
Our dogs don’t always appreciate our efforts, but looking out for the best interest of our fur kids is all in the day’s work of a pet parent.
By: Chrissa Hardy