Yes, they do—but their sleeping habits might surprise you.
Because the quality of your pond depends on the quality of your water.
From preventing disease to using the right fish tank filter.
Plus, how to increase your betta’s lifespan.
Vet-recommended fish species for your first tropical tank.
Freshwater sharks are different from marine sharks, but they do share some similarities.
Meet the perfect pals for your first fish tank.
Yes, you probably need a pond liner. Here’s how to set it up.
There’s a lot to consider—but you can do this.
Everything you need to create an ocean habitat inside your home.
Your essential guide to budgeting for a koi pond.
Looking for some new saltwater fish friends for your aquarium? Check out these 30 top picks by expert marine aquarists.
So many new buddies for your backyard!
Looking for some new saltwater fish friends for your aquarium? Check out these 30 top picks by expert marine aquarists.
What is safe to feed your fish, and how much food do they really need?
Because buoyancy issues are a big deal.
Hey, where did those spots come from?
Stress isn’t good for anybody—especially your fish friends.