Did you see the viral video of the bear stealing a Chewy box of dog food from a home's front porch? Check out these un-bear-ably cute bear-themed dog products that might just appeal to your own grizzly.
Does your dog get anxious the moment you walk out the door? Does the sound of thunder make your dog tremble in fear? Learn simple ways you can create a Zen space for your canine companion to alleviate dog anxiety and stress.
Andy Cohen discusses his dog Wacha’s new senior-friendly diet, how he introduced his pup to his baby and the hilarious things Wacha Cohen has done on set.
Alexa Matthews from @eatingNYC tells us her favorite dog-friendly restaurants in NYC. Find out where you should bring your dog to eat next in the city.
Whether you are housetraining a puppy or helping an adult dog learn the ropes, potty training dogs takes time. What’s a busy pet parent to do?
Pumpkin spice lattes are a favorite fall drink, and dogs can enjoy this seasonal treat too. Learn to make a coffee-free pumpkin spice latte for dogs.
What to expect when your decide to bring a Pug into your home.
Love fall fun? Visit any of these dog-friendly destinations to make the most of this colorful, cozy season.
Do you have plans for traveling with a dog on a plane? Follow these expert tips to make flying with a dog a positive experience.
Can dogs have allergies? Yes, just like humans, canines can suffer from dog allergies of their own. Here’s everything you need to know about symptoms, dog allergy testing and treatment.
Do you have an extremely stressed dog at home? Are you wondering how to provide stress relief for your dog? Find out what you can do to help calm your stressed dog down.
When you work at Chewy, you quickly learn which dogs are office regulars. Ellie, a 5-year-old Yorkie-mix, is one of those dogs. “Ellie comes to work whenever there are a lot of outfits she has to try on,” says Kacie Hu, global sourcing manager at Chewy in Dania Beach, Florida, and dog mom of Ellie.
What to do if you find blood in your dog’s stool.
We mapped out our favorite cities to travel to in the United States with your travel-friendly pooch.
Do you plan on spending the day at your local park with your four-legged best friend? Find out which dog supplies are essential for a safe, fun day outdoors.
Keep guests entertained at your Halloween pet party with these fun Halloween games for pets.
The 2007 Little Houses on Parade event in Denver, Colorado will feature designer dog houses for raffle.
Take a look at the green dog house built for English Bulldog, Uga VII, University of Georgia’s beloved mascot.