Not a parrot person? Looking for a feathered friend that? a little more independent? Finches might be more your style.
Across the species, parrots have some common behaviors, from dancing, to hopping to beating up for their bird toys. Have you seen your bird do one of these common behaviors?
Sun conures are cute, colorful and bursting with personality.
BeChewy fills you in on 5 things you should know about green-cheeked Conures, from personality and socialization to noises they make.
Do you know how birds lay eggs? Find out which birds are prone to egg-laying, and how the egg-laying works.
BeChewy answers 10 common Cockatiel questions like if a Cockatiel can talk, how to tell if it's male or female or if it's sick.
BeChewy looks at the top 10 pet cockatiel vet questions & answers, from illnesses and hygiene to laying eggs.
Learn about the types of parakeet behaviors that are attributed to hormones and how a pet parakeet owner can best deal with them.
BeChewy explores the details of how to teach your Budgie or Parakeet to talk.
BeChewy fills you in on the ideal temperature ranges for your parrot to be in optimal health.
Find out the history from 40 million years ago to today, from the first parrots to the pet birds in our homes.
BeChewy looks at 7 things that birds are scared - the dark and some bird toys make the list surprisingly.
Cockatiels are known for their whistles and chirps, but what do those different sounds and vocalizations mean?
Some adoption organizations cover the initial expense of bird adoption, such as cage costs and vet care, but ask these questions as well before adopting your pet bird.
Can you keep more than one cockatiel without them fighting?
Find out where to place hummingbird feeders to attract the most hummingbirds.
BeChewy helps you understand do's and don'ts of owning a pet African Grey Parrot.
Find out what pet bird behaviors to expect from male and female cockatiels.