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New Kitten
How can you tell how old a kitten is? Our kitten age chart gives important weekly and monthly milestones.
Learn the typical kitten teething age range and symptoms, discover the best kitten teething toys and more.
Socialization helps cats learn to trust new experiences, and it’s most effective when started early. Find out how to socialize your kitten.
Print out this handy new kitten essentials checklist.
Looking for the perfect cat name for your new kitty? Find inspiration in this list of 200 cute, unique and creative cat names.
Make the most of your first holiday season with your new kitten with these tips on cat-proofing the Christmas tree, celebrating with advent calendars and more.
If you’re wondering when kittens can be adopted, we’ve got everything you need to know about when kittens can leave their mom.
If you’re wondering, “should I get another cat,” ask yourself these five questions to determine if you’re ready to add to your feline tribe.
Help your kitten thrive with this veterinarian’s guide on how and what to feed kittens for every week of their life.
Get an idea of how much to feed a kitten and the proper kitten food portions for your young cat so you can keep them healthy and happy.
Bringing home a new kitten is exciting! Here are five ways your life will change—for the better, we promise!
Before getting a kitten, you need to make sure you’re ready to care for one for the rest of their life.
When to bring your new kitten to the veterinarian, how to prepare for the vet visit and what you can expect at the office.
Bringing home a new kitten? Keep these seven tips in mind when raising a kitten.
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, provides instructions for transitioning a kitten from a shelter to a new home with resident cats.