Fresh fruits can be a simple and inexpensive option for healthy treats to give your guinea pig as part of their overall care. However, it’s important to understand which foods are safe for guinea pigs before feeding your little furry friend.
So can guinea pigs eat apples?
The answer is yes! With proper preparation and feeding in moderation, apples can be a healthy, enjoyable snack for your guinea pig.
In This Guide:
Are Apples Good For Guinea Pigs?
Apples have some nutrients that are essential to a guinea pig's health. They are high in vitamin C and fiber.
These nutrients are important in a guinea pig’s diet because guinea pigs are unable to produce vitamin C on their own, so they need to consume it. Without vitamin C, guinea pigs can develop scurvy, which can lead to bleeding gums, swollen joints, pain when walking, and ulcers on the skin.
Fiber is also important for overall gut health and digestion.
However, apples are also high in sugar content so they should be fed in moderation as treats, ideally no more than a half-inch cube twice per week. Too much sugar for your guinea pig may cause gut dysbiosis, diarrhea, and obesity.
Types of Apples for Guinea Pigs
Since there are several kinds of apples, your guinea pig may prefer certain types over others— some may even enjoy them all!
Every guinea pig will have their flavor preferences, so if your cavy refuses to eat their apple, try preparing it another way or offering a different treat. If your guinea pig refuses to eat any other foods or hays, have them evaluated by a veterinarian immediately.
Green apples tend to have a sour taste, so they may not be as favored by your guinea pig. They also tend to be tart, which can potentially irritate your pet’s mouth and stomach.
Red apples are normally sweeter, but they can also contain more unwanted sugar.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apple Skin?
Yes—guinea pigs can eat the skin of apples. The skin holds a lot of nutrients, such as fiber, which is very helpful for digestion and regular poops. However, some guinea pigs may prefer apples without skin on them if they do not enjoy the taste or texture.
It’s important to remember that if you must peel your guinea pig's apple, it won't have as many health benefits as an apple with a peel.
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apple Cores?
No, guinea pigs shouldn’t eat apple cores.
Apple cores contain seeds, which should always be removed before feeding your guinea pig.
Your guinea pig can choke on the apple seeds. Additionally, the seeds contain traces of cyanide, a chemical that is dangerous in large amounts.
How To Safely Feed Your Guinea Pig Apples

When feeding apples to your guinea pig, always remove the core and seeds first to help prevent choking.
Pieces of apples should be bite-size appropriate for your guinea pig’s specific size.
Apple can be offered to guinea pigs in a variety of ways, including:
- Freeze-dried
- Diced
- Sliced
- Cooked (may lower nutritional value)—do not add any additional spices or ingredients to the apples
- Homemade puree (avoid commercially made applesauce for humans due to added sugar content)
Avoid frozen apples, since they will not have as many nutrients as fresh apples. Canned apples should also be avoided because they contain additional sugars and preservatives.
How Many Apples Can a Guinea Pig Eat?
Apples are high in sugar, so they should only be fed as treats in moderation. In general, your guinea pig should not have apple pieces more than once or twice a week.
You can feed your guinea pig about ½ inch of apple per serving that has been cut into bite-sized pieces to prevent choking and control portion sizes.
Over-feeding apples to your guinea pig can cause digestive issues like diarrhea and can even cause dental problems and other diseases like diabetes when fed long-term.
If your guinea pig begins to have diarrhea, appears bloated, or displays a loss of appetite, discontinue feeding apples and other foods high in sugar. Bring your your guinea pig to their veterinarian as soon as possible.
What Other Fruits Can Guinea Pigs Eat?
In addition to fresh hay, vegetables, and pelleted foods, fresh fruits should be offered occasionally as treats to maintain a balanced diet.
Apples are a popular snack for both guinea pigs and owners alike, but there is a large variety of other fruits that can be safe for your guinea pig to eat in moderation.
Like apples, be sure any seeds are removed, and the fruit is in bite-sized pieces appropriate for your guinea pig’s size.
Other fruits safe for guinea pigs include:
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
- Grapes
- Pears
- Melons
- Mangos
- Tomatoes
Guinea pigs can also eat citrus fruit such as oranges, but they can potentially irritate your pet’s mouth and digestive tract.
If your guinea pig develops diarrhea or starts to lose their appetite after being fed a new food, discontinue feeding the new food and contact your vet immediately.
Before serving any new foods to your pet, consult with your veterinarian first.
Expert input provided by Dr. Melissa Witherell, DVM.
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