See if adding cat supplements to your pet care routine may help your with cat constipation or cat nutrition, and ensure cat health and pet care to keeping your cat well.
Not all foods are created equal. Those that are nutrient-packed and antioxidant-rich have been deemed “superfoods,” ingredients that are thought to provide extra-special health benefits.
Ever been called a cat lady or cat dude? Cat fanatics unite! Share your love for these whiskered-family members with the 11 telltale signs that you are a cat person.
Discover the difference between indoor cats and outdoor cats from their health needs to their cat behavior and interactive needs to turn your bored cat into a happy cat!
Learn about the Maine Coon Cat breed with Maine Coon personality characteristics and Maine Coon temperament information, along with dietary needs and more.
Find out the dangerous foods for dogs that might make an appearance at your summer BBQ's, so that you can take them off the menu or ensure these items stay out-of-reach.
Summer Treats for Cats
Here are eight water-based games that will keep your pup stimulated and cool all summer long.
Stop your dog from showing aggressive dog behavior by learning how to train your dog from showing different types of dog aggression and barking dog behavior.
Dog-Friendly Watermelon Sorbet
Cats rule the internet. They rule at home. Who runs the world? Cats. The fact that cats are our feline overlords is made even more evident in a map that has gone viral.
Protect your cat from eight summertime hazards with veterinarian-approved tips to limiting outdoor heat exposure and preventing heat exhaustion and hot paws.
These restaurant chains offer pet-friendly patios and menus (secret or otherwise) so you can enjoy dining alfresco with your pet.
These zucchini crisps for dogs are a low-calorie, delicious snack.
A vet explains how the herpes virus (feline herpesvirus) can cause constant sniffles in cats and how to treat them.
Learn positive dog training techniques to help teach your pooch the watch me dog command.
Get your pup in on the fun of sipping cocktails outside with this yummy, non-boozy carrot colada recipe.
How we saved Taft, our home and ourselves from an epic flea infestation.