17 Sleepy Dogs Who Rather Stay in Bed and Cuddle This Winter

By: ChewyUpdated:

17 Sleepy Dogs Who Rather Stay in Bed and Cuddle This Winter

Nothing is sweeter than dogs sleeping in a bed. Just watching a sleepy dog snuggle up in a blanket is enough to make even the Grinchiest of human hearts grow three sizes. And when the snow is piling up outside, the inclination to hibernate with your sleepy pup until spring comes is only natural.

Out of all the creatures in the world, dogs might be the best at taking naps. Dogs can turn anything into a comfy spot to snooze—whether it’s a large dog sleeping in a small dog bed, a small dog sleeping in a big human bed, or a puppy falling over in a deep sleep in the middle of the kitchen floor. When dogs are sleepy, they’ll will plop right down and make those spots dog beds. It’s part of what makes them so adorable!

Grab a hot drink, curl up with a cozy blanket and take a look at 17 pictures of dogs sleeping and relaxing in bed. Enjoy!

1. Snuggle Buddies

Sure, there’s food to eat and shows to binge on Netflix, but it’s hard to care about any of that when you’re under the covers in a comfy bed.

2. Sleeping Sausages

For these dogs, snoozing is always better when you can do it with a buddy… especially when your buddy is just as tiny, furry and cute as you are. Can we say #couplegoals?

3. Sleepy Snout-rest

This sofa does not have an armrest. It has “snout-rest” for sleepy dogs.

4. Cannot Adult Today

“I cannot adult today—is something I’ve heard my humans say when they’re extra sleepy.”

5. Pupper Pajama Party

The weather outside might be frightful, but when you and your bestie rock matching jammies, life is nothing short of delightful.

6. Goofy-Grin Golden

You’d be happy, too, if every day was a snow day and you didn’t have any responsibilities.

7. Spa Day Snooze

Oh, you thought self-care was just for the hoomans? This pup knows otherwise.

8. Lounging Lab

“When I was your age, we had to listen to our owners tell everyone they walked uphill in the snow—both ways. It was awful.”

9. Reluctant Unicorn

How does the old saying go? “Always be yourself. Unless you can be a Great Dane in a unicorn robe. Then be a Great Dane in a unicorn robe.” Something like that…

10. Matching Nappers

“Nap on your sister,” they said. “It’ll be cute,” they said. “Just one more photo,” they said. *sighs deeply*

11. Sassy Swaddle

Even Beyoncé wishes she could wake up like this.

12. Tired Trio

Just three angelic faces reminding you that you still have unused sick days at work, and you really should use one… like today.

13. Puppy in a Pea Pod

“I would say this bed and I are two peas in a pod, but there are three other peas already, so… ”

14. Beary Adorable

What could make this cute pup even cuter? How about if she dresses up as a fuzzy bear and passes out… with her tongue sticking out just a teeny bit? Yep, that’ll do it.

15. Couch Hog

Tikken the Vizsla left you just enough room to sit next to her on the couch, and she’s already decided what you’re going to watch. It’s “This Is Us,” so get ready to cry.

16. Netflix and Snuggle

Just one look into those giant, soulful eyes and you’ll be in full hibernation mode for the next three months. Remote anyone?

17. Christmas-card Worthy

When you don’t need to worry about shoveling snow or chopping wood for the fire because you’re a dog and your best friend is also a dog, you can just nap under all the blankets.

Now that you’ve gotten your fill of pictures of sleepy dogs, you probably should cancel your plans for the foreseeable future, grab a blanket and cuddle up with your best canine friend. Be honest: Is anything outside your front door better than a dog snuggle sesh? Of course not!

By: Chrissa Hardy

Featured Image: Via obi_and_kato/Instagram


By: ChewyUpdated:
